EORI number is required to ship FedEx/DHL packages to the European Union effective 1st July

Mon, Jun 28th 2021, 14:23:49

Dear customer,

FedEx and DHL has informed us that EORI number is required to ship FedEx/DHL packages to the European Union if you're a business entity, effective 1st July.


As all FedEx/DHL packages go through the Customs, customs duty and other taxes will be charged. When they contact you, you are required to pay them immediately. If you do not pay these charges in a timely manner, your package may be sent back to Japan. If that happens, FedEx/DHL will charge you about three times the amount of the postage you initially paid.

Unlike FedEx/DHL packages, not all EMS goes through the customs so it has less chance of getting customs charges.

We recommend EMS over FedEx/DHL.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

Your J-Subculture Team

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